IGBT is short for Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor,As the highly efficient semiconductor component for energy transmit and energy switch. It is widely applied in modern energy efficient motor drives and industrial automation systems. Further application fields include PFC/Power Supplies, Intelligrid, UPS, Motor Control, Renewable (Wind/Tidal) Energies, PV Inverter, Tramcar, Welding Machine, and Electric Vehicles etc. Let’s see HST IGBT major production process.
1.Fully automatic material distribution system from warehouse to IGBT module production line.
2. AGV intelligent transportation for production materials.
3.IGBT chip is sliced/sawed from IGBT wafer. The SMT machine automatically pick the IGBT chip from the wafer and place it on the fixed substrate and weld the IGBT circuit .
4.X-ray detection is used to check the welding effect inside IGBT module, whether there’re various defects.
5.In the wire bonding process, the robot positioning through image identification technology, and then uses ultrasonic wire bonding technology to automatically connects multi-chips of IGBT module.
6.After multi-chips wires bonding, start the microscope inspection.
7.Automatic high temperature test is to test the reliability of IGBT under high temperature and high pressure. The whole test process is controlled by the digital smart system.
8.Final inspection & label scanning for HST IGBT Module.